Jessica Bio

Jessica Bio

meet Jessica

Jessica is the creative mastermind behind Kandlar’s best-selling Lavanda candle, a fragrance that has captivated the senses of customers worldwide. Since joining the Kandlar family in 2015 at our Dubai branch, Jessica has made an indelible mark on the industry with her unique, artisan approach to candle making.

Originally hailing from Dubai, where she first embarked on her journey with Kandlar, Jessica’s passion for her craft quickly led her to become an integral part of the company’s success. Her love for the warmth and brightness of the sun reflects in her creations, infusing them with an energy and vibrancy that customers have come to adore.

Now residing in Florida with her loving husband and two beautiful children, Jessica continues to pour her creativity into the Lavanda candle, a product that not only represents Kandlar’s commitment to quality but also Jessica’s personal love for life. She’s a true embodiment of enjoying every moment, a philosophy that shines through in her work.

Despite her move across the globe, Jessica maintains strong ties to her roots, frequently traveling back to Dubai to keep in touch with the culture that helped shape her artistic vision. This connection to both her past and present homes imbues her creations with a rich depth that resonates with those who experience them.

In her free time, Jessica can be found basking in the Florida sunshine with her family, or planning her next visit to the desert city that still holds a piece of her heart. Her love for travel, sun, and creativity makes her not only an exceptional candle creator but a truly inspiring individual. Her journey with Kandlar continues to burn brightly, illuminating the path for others in the industry and delighting all who come across her enchanting Lavanda candle.